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We are taking a mini break!!

Songlines online shop will be closed until the end of April although you can still browse all of our products.
Right now we’re away travelling but will be back in Australia soon.

Thanks for your interest and support.

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best wishes
Felicity and the team

Organic Cotton Scarf – Seven Sisters Dreaming

$55.00 inc. GST

Delightful lightweight scarf based on an original artwork by Anmanari Brown.

Dimensions: 70 x 200cm – it’s soft enough to drape around your neck and yet large enough to be a shawl

Composition: Organic cotton

Free shipping in Australia orders over $150


SKU: LABR800OCS Category: Tags: , , ,


Artist Anmanari Brown.

This is a popular dreaming story of a group of sisters being chased through the desert by one man. There are numerous scenarios as the women travel around, chased by Wati Nyiru. Land forms were created as they all travelled though the countryside Eventually they rose up into the sky and form the Pleiades, a cluster of stars seen in the southern skies. There are many variations of this story, each language group has it’s own chapters that relate to the landscape in their own country.

Manufactured by Better World Arts (South Australia) – accredited by the Fair Trade Association of Australia

Royalties on sales are paid to the artists/their families.

Better World Arts ethos “By developing new and innovative projects, we can continue to distribute generous royalties to artists and support economic sustainability for communities in developing regions.”