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Songlines online shop will be closed until the end of April although you can still browse all of our products.
Right now we’re away travelling but will be back in Australia soon.

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best wishes
Felicity and the team

Fat Quarter – Flying Ant

$24.75 inc. GST

Exquisitely detailed print, design is an ideal scale for patchworking and quilting

The image is a Fat Quarter folded.

This fabric is based on an original painting by Maria Nampijinpa Brown, a Warlpiri Aboriginal artist from Yuendumu in the Northern Territory of Australia.

Digitally printed on organic cotton in Australia. Excellent weight for clothing, accessories and some homewares.

Free shipping on orders over $150


SKU: FQFFIA02MAB Categories: , Tags: , , , ,


  • Composition: Classic Cotton – organic (more info at bottom)
  • Dimensions: 50 x 70 cm (19.7 x 27.5 inches)
  • Weight of base cloth: 140 gsm
  • The artist is paid royalties for every metre printed
  • Produced by Flying Fox Fabrics under license with the artist

Fabric Story

This painting depicts the Pamapardu Jukurrpa (Flying Ant Creation Story or Dreaming) from Wapurtali, west of Yuendumu. ‘Pamapardu‘ is the Warlpiri name for the flying ants or termites that build the large anthills found throughout Warlpiri country. This country belongs to Nakamarra/Napurrurla women and Jakamarra/Jupurrurla men. ‘Pamapardu‘ are flying ants. The antsbuild earth mounds (‘mingkirri’) that are common in the Tanami Desert area. When heavy rains come in summer the ‘mingkirri’ get flooded out, so the ‘pamapardu’ grow wings and fly off to make new homes, following their queens to dry mounds or to build anew. When they have found their new home they drop their wings. In this stage the ants can be collected, lightly cooked in coals and eaten. As they fall to the ground women collect them to eat because they are nice and sweet. In contemporary Warlpiri paintings traditional iconography is used to represent the Jukurrpa, particular sites and other elements. When this Jukurrpa story is painted concentric circles are used to represent the ‘mingkirri’ and the rockholesinvolved in the story, including the central one at Wapurtali (Mt Singleton). Dashes are depicted around the circles to represent the ‘pamapardu and the abandoned wings.

Additional information


0.5 m, 1 m, 1.5 m, 2 m, 2.5 m, 3 m