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We are taking a mini break!!

Songlines online shop will be closed until the end of April although you can still browse all of our products.
Right now we’re away travelling but will be back in Australia soon.

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Felicity and the team

Spines in the Sand by Diane Lucas

$25.00 inc. GST

‘What’s that strange dark bundle rolling across the sand?’ Pedro and his mum rush to find out.
Following animal tracks to see where an animal leads you is a wonderful journey with a child.


Diane Lucas works as an ethnocologist with her husband. They travel around northern Australia doing work related to this as well as botanical and fire ecology work. Diane was a school teacher on an Aboriginal outstation in Kakadu during 1983 and 84. From 1991 to 96 she worked on a research project documenting traditional resources on the South Alligator River floodplain and surrounds. She now lives only two hours from Kakadu and maintains a strong relationship with the people and country there.

She has published a number of books in collaboration with illustrators. We stock her entire range.

Published by Waterlily Publications, 2011, Format, Paper cover, 28 pages.