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Songlines online shop will be closed until the end of April although you can still browse all of our products.
Right now we’re away travelling but will be back in Australia soon.

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Felicity and the team

The Kunwinjku Counting Book by Maralngurra & Wright

$25.00 inc. GST

One, two, three. Nakudji, bokenh, danjbik. One crocodile with many sharp teeth, two snake-necked turtles swimming in a billabong, three water goannas soaking up the sun… Learn to count with the animals of Australia’s West Arnhem Land and the traditional art of indigenous Kunwinjku culture. Text in Kunwinjku and English.

Accompanied by illustrations drawing on traditional Kunwinjku art, each of the twelve entries of this counting book showcases a different animal of West Arnhem Land, Australia. More than just a counting book, this is also a beautifully illustrated work of art, a tribute to the indigenous people of Australia, and a fascinating nature guide to Northern Territory ecology.

Published 2018 by Injalak Arts


From crocodiles and echidnas to wallabies, children and adults alike will enjoy learning the Kunwinjku names for numbers and animals, as well as discovering more about these animals’ habitat and behaviour, and what they mean to the Indigenous Bininj. Whether teaching you how dragonflies indicate the passing of the seasons or how to catch and cook barramundi, the fascinating Kunwinjku Counting Book offers insight into the complex ecology of West Arnhem Land and the vibrant traditions of Bininj culture.

Original paintings by Gabriel Maralngurra ; text and information by Gabriel Maralngurra and Felicity Wright ; translations by Gabriel Maralngurra and Andrew Manakgu; design by Amber Young

Self-published by Injalak Arts, a locally owned remote community art centre. Funded in part by a successful crowdfunding campaign.

The book will be published in a hardcover edition by Enchanted Lion (US) in 2022.

See ABC News report: Kunwinjku Counting Book creators in talks with US publishers following crowdfunding success.